Saturday, December 20, 2008

A Four Footed Friend

It's been awhile since we posted one, but here's a Dog of the Week. His name is Finn and he is about the sweetest boy ever to stop by for a treat at the Used Books Desk.

Despite the fresh snow that just started falling, Finn seems, quite sensibly, not to have opted for colorful -- not to say embarrassing -- Christmas dogwear.

He's clearly too much the young sport for such silliness.

Good boy, Finn.


  1. Anonymous9:33 AM

    Finn is taking advantage of the atrocious Seattle weather this quarter break curling up with his loving and patient master and working his way through War and Peace. Chances are you won't be seeing Finn at the Used Books Desk anytime soon!

  2. We can wait. Finn's worth it. Though, Tolstoy suggests quite a long Winter.


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