Sunday, December 18, 2011

One Down, Four to Go!

Here's a pile of mystery books...

Are you guys ready for the next book in our giveaway? It's Before Seattle Rocked by Kurt E. Armbruster. This one's just about as local as we could get without giving away our teenage diaries (in your dreams!!).

From the introduction:
"Seattle is a music town, and for many, that means Rock & Roll. The "Northwest sound" of the region's early rock bands is universally acknowledged and the fact that their city succored in her bosom Ray Charles, Jimi Hendrix and Kurt Cobain fills Seattleites with proprietary pride. Fifty years of rock, however, were preceded by more than a hundred years of music that was equally exciting to its listeners and important to the community's evolution."

Sounds good! "...succored in her bosom" is quite a gem.
Here's the criteria for your comments. Describe the best live music show you've ever seen in Seattle. Make sure to leave your e-mail address in your comment if you want to be in the running! We'll randomly choose a comment and get in touch with the winner.
Three more books to go!

Comments are closed for this giveaway. Thanks!

1 comment:

  1. Ernie4:56 PM

    Having arrived in Seattle in July, my best live show to date was KEXP's Concert at the Mural on August 19th. Fun fun show and free! Definitely made me feel privy to some up and coming local Seattle music watching My Goodness perform.

    ernieslogin at gmail dot com


Thanks for your comment! We love hearing from you.

tell all your friends!