Tera, EBM Master

Tera is our Esspresso Book Machine aficionado. She tinker with tools, aligns pages, warms the glue pot, waits, and then starts all over again. Also, if you have any poetry questions, go to Tera.

What are 3 books that will always be on your bookshelf and why? 
Walden by Henry David Thoreau : a decade-long love affair with the New England gnome-man.
Arcades Project by Walter Benjamin : I'll never finish it.
Middlemarch by George Eliot : I have a soft spot for all things Eliot, especially Dorothea stumbling through the antiquities of Rome.
What are some creative ways the EBM could be used to self-publish?         I just figured out we can bind pre-printed pages—which means if you bring in color copies you can have a full color book!
What out of print book have you been really excited about the ability to print? 
I just found a Bicycling for Ladies book from 1896 with chapters on “Women and Tools” and “The Art of Wheeling.” The writer is truly sympathetic to the nervous ladies about to try out “an unaccustomed exercise.”
If you were stranded on a desert island with one book of poems, which would it be? 
Elizabeth Bishop's Complete Poems.  

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