Tuesday, April 08, 2008

Yannis Ritsos

Here's a recommedation from Jay, our Head Book Buyer:

Monochords by Yannis Ritsos

"A handsome volume of deceptively simple, yet elegant poems. Perfect for reading while riding the bus or when the kids are busy playing video games."

And really, aren't all books of poetry appropriate to those two activities? (If the kids are playing Everyday Shooter or Crayon Physics Deluxe, you might want to divide your attention between the game and the book.)

Here's a few short pieces from the book:


With her blue eyes she gives color to the world.


Every second a tree, a bird, a smokestack, a woman.


He speaks about the poor. His hand becomes a river.


You'll drill a number of holes into a reed before it will play a song.

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