Monday, April 02, 2007

I'd rather be reading...

Here's an interesting coincidence. This weekend I was going through on of my favorite Best American Short Stories collections—the one Richard Ford edited 1990—and I read a story I hadn't read before. It's called "The Reverse Bug" and it's by Lore Segal. It was recommended by another writer who I like very much.

When I finished Segal's story I thought, "Not bad. Wonder if she has a collection?" I did a quick, poor internet search, and didn't see anything on this bio. So I didn't search further.

This morning I was walking by the new hardcover fiction display when I saw Shakespeare's Kitchen—a new interconnected short story collection by Lore Segal that includes "The Reverse Bug"!

Pretty weird, huh? My hypothesis: I have somehow acquired the power to turn my desires into reality! I am now concentrating on getting a literary agent and winning the lottery. Wish me luck.

Needless to say, if I wasn't shelving, I'd be reading Lore Segal's new book.

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